HSC Exam Result with Marksheet 2024 (মার্কশিট সহ রেজাল্ট দেখুন)

Dear HSC examiner 2024, today we will explain the right method of finding HSC exam result 2024. We will also explain the way of finding your HSC exam result 2024 with whole marksheet.

It is common question of all that what is the official website to get HSC result. Because, when you search for official web site for HSC Examination Result, you will get thousand of search results. As a result, you can not find right web address.

Well! www.educationboardresults.gov.bd is the official website to find your HSC exam result. Besides your result like you have passed or failed, you get your result with your whole marksheet.

But it is very important to know the right method of getting your result. Such as how you will enter result web page or your roll or registration number etc. So, lets go and try to understand the way of getting HSC examination result 2024.

Method of Getting HSC Exam Result with Marksheet 2024

At first cheek the internet connection of device. Then open you any web browsers, like Google Chrome, internet explorer etc.

Visit this website for you HSC Exam result:


That is the official website of education board to see HSC result. So enter this website. Then you see the page like bellow:

HSC Exam Result with Marksheet

Above that page there are some options, like Examination, Year, Board, Roll, Reg no and captcha number. Lastly given reset or submit button.

Well. Carefully, input all your right information from your HSC admit card. Otherwise, you will fail to get your examination result. So, follow the steps are given bellow:

  • At first on internet of your device and open web browser.
  • Then, this enter address – www.educationboardresults.gov.bd
  • When you enter this address, you will see the page and options like image-1.
  • From Examination option, select HSC / Alim, or HSC(Vocational), or HSC(Bm)
  • Then select your passing year.
  • Next, select your HSC education Board name or your institute is under that education board.
  • Then input your Roll number as your HSC admit card.
  • And, input your registration number as your HSC admit card.
  • Lastly you will see 2 different number as captcha code. Total sum of this 2 numbers input.
  • Finally Submit.
  • successfully, you will get your HSC Exam result 2024 same to same example (image 2) bellow:
HSC examination result with image example with marksheet
image-2: HSC examination result with image example with marksheet

Get HSC Result by mobile SMS or Message 2024

Now it is very popular method to get your HSC result by mobile SMS. Specially, Teletalk mobile operator offered get HSC result first of all.

But it is not charge free. Because, per SMS, you have to pay near 2.60 BDT. It may vary from operator to operator.

SMS Method for General Board HSC Exam Result:

  • At First, go to your message option.
  • Then write: HSC BOARD ROLL YEAR.
  • Example: HSC DHA 123456 2024
  • And send this SMS to 16222.

SMS Method for Madrasah Board HSC Exam Result:

  • Go to your mobile SMS writing option.
  • Then write: HSC MAD ROLL YEAR
  • Example: HSC MAD 123456 2024
  • And sent this SMS to 16222

Last, SMS Method for Technical Board HSC exam Result 2024:

  • Open your mobile SMS writing option.
  • Then write: HSC TEC ROLL YEAR
  • Example: HSC TEC 123456 2024
  • Finally send this SMS to 16222

By following this process easily you able to get your HSC public examination result in very sort time.

To get your HSC result by SMS it is very important to send accurate information; such as, your roll, passing year and sort name of your education board ( First 3 capital Latter of Board name).

We mentioned first 3 capital Latter of all HSC Education Board:

  1. Barisal – BAR
  2. Chittagong – CHI
  3. Comilla – COM
  4. Dhaka – DHA
  5. Dinajpur – DIN
  6. Jessore – JES
  7. Mymensingh -MYM
  8. Rajshahi – RAJ
  9. Sylhet – SYL
  10. Madrasah -MAD
  11. Technical – TEC
  12. DIBS(Dhaka) – DIB


When HSC Exam Result 2024 will Publish?

HSC Result 2023 will be published on 26th November 2024.

When did publish HSC Result 2022?

13 February, 2022.

What is the full form of HSC?

Higher Scholl Certificate.

What is the HSC education board web site name?


How can I check may HSC result via SMS?

SMS এর মাধ্যমে জানার জন্য প্রথমে HSC লিখে বোর্ডের নাম (প্রথম তিন অক্ষর), রোল, বছর টাইপ করে ১৬২২২ নম্বরে পাঠাতে হবে (যেমন HSC Dha 123456 2024 send to 16222)। অন্য শিক্ষা বোর্ডগুলোর ফলাফলও একইভাবে জানা যাবে। শুধু বোর্ডের নাম পরিবর্তন করতে হবে।

Is SMS method free of cost?

No. Standard charge may applicable.

How much cost will pay per SMS?

You have to pay near 2.60 BDT per SMS.

Which SIM will be best to check our HSC result?

I think, Teletalk SIM will be best to check our HSC result of 2024. Because, Teletalk SIM is dedicated for this kinds of activities.

Is it possible to see HSC result to use smart Phone?

Yes. It is possible to see HSC final result to use any smart phone as well as an android Phone.

Which is the best free browser to see HSC exam result?

There are many browser, but I think Google Chromo Browser is the best free browser to see HSC exam result.

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