If you are a candidate of SSC, then you can see your SSC board exam result from here of 2024. Because, now it is very easy to see SSC exam result through online.
On the other hand, you can also check your SSC exam result of 2024 through SMS system. Besides this, you also can check your SSC result some old methods, such as, to go to exam board of school, online news paper etc.
But, now-a-days it is a very famous method to see SSC exam result at online system in Bangladesh. There are different way to see SSC result at online. Such as:
- You can use Mobile
- You can use Tablet
- Computer
- Laptop
- MacBook etc
Let’s go, and see, how can we find our SSC Final Exam Result using Mobile, Tab, Computer and Laptop.
Today, we describe 2 methods:
- Online system.
- SMS system.
(1) See SSC Exam Result of 2024 at online system:
In Bangladesh, most of people use Mobile Phone as an internet browsing device. As a result, most of people use their mobile or smart-phone to check SSC Exam result.
Beside that, some people of Bangladesh also use computer or laptop to browse internet. Computer is more professional to see SSC result than Mobile.
So, we also try to describe the all methods, how to see SSC Exam result from your own Smart-phone, your Tab or Computer or Laptop.
First of all, connect your device with internet. You can also use Wi-Fi internet. Then open an internet browser like Google Chrome or any others.
Then go to address bar and enter this address given bellow:
After then you will get a page as like as like bellow:
There are 6 box and one Submit Button. For this reason you have to must need to follow 7 steps given bellow to get your SSC Result:
Step 1: On there, you can see Examination, Year, Board, Roll, Reg No and Number box. Then you have to select Examination types such as: SSC/Dakhil/Equivalent.
Step 2: After that, in 2nd box you have to need select your SSC Exam year. There you can see many years like 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020. From these, you have to select 2024.
Step 3: In 3rd box, you will see the list of name of education board of Bangladesh. So, you have to select you own Education board name like Dhaka, Rajshahi, Chittagong etc that is your’s. If you are a student of Madrasah Board, you have to select Madrasah.
Step 4: Then input your roll number, in the Roll Number box like: 123456
Step 5: Then you find “Reg: No” Box, its means The “Registration Number”. So, you have to type you registration numbers in this box, like: 3040506070
Step 6: In last box, you could see 2 numbers as like: 5 + 5. It may be different for you. Then, calculate this as total, and input it in the last box.
Step 7: If it is all okay, then press Submit button. Then, the page will reload and you could see your SSC Exam Result of 2023 in details, like bellow:
- Read More- See HSC Exam result
(2) See SSC Exam Result of 2024 By SMS system:
It is also very popular way to see SSC Result in SMS. Many people of Bangladesh feel comfort to see SSC Result in SMS system.
There given the system- how can see your SSC Exam result by SMS with example:
SMS method: Type SSC, Type first 3 letters of SSC board, then type your SSC Exam Roll, then type SSC Exam Year and Send to 16222.
Example of SSC Result by SMS: SSC Dha 112233 2024, then Send to 16222.
Follow these steps to see SSC Result By SMS:
- Go to your SMS writing option on you mobile.
- Type: SSC
- Type your Board’s 1st 3 letters: Dha
- Your Roll: 112233
- SSC Exam Year: 2024
- And Send to: 16222
The Best Example to see SSC Exam Result 2024 by SMS:
Suppose my name is Selim. I lives in Rajshahi. I have taken part SSC exam in Rajshahi education board in 2023. My Roll number is 112233.
So, what can I see my SSC Result by Mobile SMS? Well, follow the process given bellow:
Type like this: SSC Raj 112233 2024
And Send it to: 16222
It was an example to see SSC Exam Result of 2024 of Rajshahi Education Board. You can follow this example for any board and anyone.
In this case, you would have need the short name of other education board. So, there are given list of first 3 letters of name of all education board of Bangladesh:
- Dhaka Board = Dha
- Rajshahi Board = Raj
- Chittagong Board = Chi
- Barisal Board = Bar
- Comilla Board = Com
- Dinajpur Board = Din
- Jessore Board = Jes
- Mymensingh Board = Mym
- Sylhet Board = Syl
- Madrasah Board = Mad
- Technical Board = Tec
- DIBS Board = Dib
The published date of SSC Result of 2024 is 12 May.
The full form of SSC is “Secondary School Certificate”.
At first, go to your SMS option of your mobile phone and type- SSC/Dakhil (space) First 3 letters of your board name (space) Your Roll Number (space) 2024 and after that send it to 16222. In a very short time, you will get a return message with SSC Result 2024 where you could see your SSC Pass or Fail status with some important small information.